Ph: +66 819674351
Email: bangkokmakeover@gmail.com
Plastic, cosmetic and dental surgery specialists
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: How old do I have to be for Breast surgery in Thailand?
A: You must be 20 years old to have breast surgery in Thailand unless you have a parent to sign the content at the hospital and must be with you during the duration of the surgery and for duration of the stay. This is hospital policy and is enforced.
Q: What surgeons do you use?
A: Dr. Preeyaphas Nilubol, Dr Chairat Burusapat are used for all cosmetic/plastic surgeries. Dr. Karnjana Chaikittisilpa is our Gynecologist
Q: What hospital do Bangkok Makeover’s use and the address?
A: We use Theptarin hospital, Bangkok. 3850 Rama 4 Road Prakanong Bangkok 10110.
Q: Do I have to get immunisations prior to surgery?
A: No if just visiting Bangkok. Otherwise it is advised to visit your GP and they have a list of immunisations required for each country.
Q: What medication can and can’t I take prior to surgery?
A: Anti-coagulants (blood thinners) if you taking Clopidogrel, Heparin, Warfarin, Aspirin, Gingko-Biloba, Vitamin A & E, etc. The dosage will need to be adjusted or stopped 5-7 days before any surgical operations/procedures. You can take panadol and nurofen prior to surgery for headaches if needed.
If you exercise and use workout supplements please stop protein supplements 5-7 days prior to surgery and you can resume this 5-7 days after surgery. For pre-work out supplements these should be stopped 1 month prior and should not be resumed for 1 month after.
Remember: No supplement natural or not should be taken continuously. You should cycle your supplements.
Q: What medications should I stop before surgery?
A: It is recommended not to take any aspirin containing medication, ibuprofen containing medication or any herbs or weight loss medications for at least 2 weeks before surgery. Alcohol must also be stopped 7 days before surgery.
Q: Can I smoke before and after surgery?
A: Do not smoke or use tobacco or nicotine products (snuff, chewing tobacco, Nicorette gym, nicotine inhaler or nicotine skin patches) 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after surgery, if you are caught smoking or we find out you have been smoking you run the risk of your surgery being cancelled. Our surgeons will not operate on clients that are not it good health. Smoking can lead to skin loss, skin death (necrosis), and slow wound healing that will ruin the result of your surgery leaving you with permanent deforming scars. Smoking also increases the risk of coughing after your surgery that leads to unwanted bleeding. For general health reasons, we recommend all patients stop smoking. Note: if you are a heavy smoker it is 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after surgery.
Q: What is Necrosis?
A: Skin necrosis is a complication that results in the death of the skin tissue. The risk of skin necrosis is significantly heightened when one smokes during the few weeks before surgery or by smoking during the initial weeks of post-op. This is because nicotine can cause the blood vessels beneath the skin to become constricted, thus blocking the flow of blood and oxygen to the skin. Because these blood vessels sometimes represent the only blood supply to certain skin tissues, the tightening of these vessels that results from smoking can have severe consequences. Moreover, the carbon monoxide that is produced during smoking may further decrease oxygen levels flowing to the skin, increasing your chances of getting skin necrosis. For this reason, it is important to stop smoking for 2 (light smoker) - 4 (heavy smoker) weeks before surgery and for 2 (light smoker) - 4 (heavy smoker) weeks following surgery.
Q: Can I drink alcohol before or after surgery?
A: Alcohol is also not permitted 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the course of antibiotics is finished so totally 3 weeks from day of surgery. We take the health of our clients if you are caught drinking your surgery will be cancelled. If you are a heavy drinker alcohol is not permitted 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after surgery. Alcohol interferes with anaesthetic medicines. In addition, alcohol may result in excessive bleeding, delayed healing and adverse results.
Q: How do I pay the booking fee?
A: The booking fee is an international transfer; this is to be done via your bank or an international transfer company. The best option is through your bank and to RING or GO TO A BRANCH for assistance.
Q: What is the address of Rachel's apartments?
A: Supalai Park 2, Soi 21 Phoholyotin, Chatuchuk, Bangkok
Q: Does the surgery have to be paid in Thai Baht?
A: Yes, you must pay the surgery in Thai Baht if paying cash. All monies must be exchanged to Thai Baht prior to the appointment. This can be done at the airport. If paying with credit or debit card it will be charged in Thai Baht and converted in to AUD on your bank statement.
Some clients choose to pay this direct to the hospital prior to coming over for surgery. This has to be done minimum of 6 weeks in advance and you must contact us at bangkokmakeover@gmail.com for all the information. Note: this transfer will incur an extra fee charged by the hospital’s bank.
Q: Do your surgeons provide any guarantee for any work for which they are at fault?
A: Yes, if it is their fault then their fees will be free this excludes hospital, medication, flights and accommodation fees…. Purely surgeon fees only! Please note that we have no control over the hospital fees and this makes up a large portion of the overall fee. Surgeon fees vary surgeon to surgeon. You will need to contact bangkokmakeover@gmail.com for more information on this cost.
Q: How long is this guarantee for?
A: If it's the doctor’s fault, you will know within the first months but they have no time frame. It is incredibly important to follow post-op care to avoid any complications.
Q: What brand are the implants?
A: Mentor branded implants. More information can be found at www.mentorwwllc.com
All clients are given their Mentor serial number ID cards for each implant. This is also kept on record at the hospital.
Q: What are the implants filled with?
A: Medical grade silicone memory gel or medical grade saline.
NOTE: Bangkok Makeovers only offer Silicon (Memory Gel), Mentor brand implants.
Q: How do I decide on the incision (approach) to be used during breast augmentation?
A: Several approaches are available to perform the breast augmentation. These include the following: an incision under the areola, under the breast (just above the infra-mammary fold), and in the axilla (arm pit). The choice of incision is a decision made by the patient and the surgeon. In general, we try to use the incision which is best hidden and therefore less visible. Often times, this decision is made based on the patient’s anatomy. For example, if the patient has some amount of excess skin under the breast, an incision can be well hidden in this area (just above the infra-mammary fold) otherwise an incision around the areola tends to heal very nicely and becomes barely visible with time.
Note: Bangkok Makeovers only uses the infra-mammary fold for standard breast augmentation and the areola for lifts.
Q: How do I decide to go over or under the muscle with the breast implant?
A: The decision to do a sub-muscular (under the muscle) or sub-glandular (under the breast tissue) or sub-pectoral (dual plane/partial) breast augmentation is based on several factors. Some of these factors include the patient’s preference and the patient’s anatomy. Each type of augmentation has its pro’s and con’s. In general, however, all things being equal, Bangkok Makeovers prefer to do sub-muscular/sub-pectoral breast augmentations. This type of augmentation is associated with less chance of seeing or feeling the breast implant. This operation is also associated with a decreased risk of breast implant hardening (encapsulation or scar tissue formation). Sub-muscular breast augmentation interferes with the performance of mammography less so than does sub-glandular breast augmentation.
Note: Bangkok Makeovers only uses the sub-muscular/sub-pectoral augmentation to achieve an end result with fewer complications and a better aesthetic result.
Q: What is the difference between textured and smooth implants?
A: Texturing refers to the surface of the breast implant. Textured implants have a rough surface in an attempt to prevent contracture formation (especially when the implants are placed above the muscle). This does not appear to be relevant in the sub-muscular position. Textured implants may be associated with rippling more than smooth implants.
NOTE: Bangkok Makeovers only uses smooth implants we DO NOT offer textured implants
Q: Do you offer different types of implant shapes such as round and tear drop?
A: Bangkok Makeovers only offers Mentor round implant shape.
Q: Why do I have to massage?
A: You only massage smooth implants. Massaging helps create an open pocket for the implant and will help keep the implants feeling soft and natural. It also minimises the risk of CC. Massaging is to be done 2-3 times a day for 6 months. If you forget your massaging techniques contact us at Bangkok Makeovers or here is a video on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_kCepUtS_I
Q: Can I get a pre-paid sim (micro or standard) for my phone:
A: Yes, there is a 7 Eleven located near the apartments and they sell these extremely cheap.
Q: If something happens during surgery and a blood transfusion is required - Where does the blood come from?
A: Blood would be checked to the same standards that you would have in any hospital in Australia or America. The blood is supplied by Thai Red Cross.
Q: Will I need time off work?
A: It is recommended that you take one week off of work after breast augmentation surgery. Your line of work will affect the overall time off you will need to recover. Contact us for more information.
Q: When can I remove the Steri-Strips?
A: Let them fall off by themselves. If they are coming off and look dirty use an antibacterial wash to help remove them softly. DO NOT pull them off like a bandaid you risk opening the incision.
Q: How can I find out the exchange rate?
A: Visit www.xe.com and that can give you an approximate idea of the current exchange rate
Q: How much will I need for everything including flights, accommodation, surgery, medicine and spending money?
A: This is dependent on where you are flying from, how long you are staying, what surgery you are having, what medicine you require and how much shopping and how many tours you want to do.
Q: When can I lift heavy things or go to the gym/exercise (including yoga, Pilates, dance, pole dancing, gym classes (pump, combat etc) anything that is related to exercise whether low, medium or high intensity?
A: It is not recommended to do heavy weight lifting or strenuous exercise until 6 weeks after the procedure. Any exercise (such as the ones listed above but not limited to) that uses your upper body needs to be avoided for 6 weeks. Your chest areas needs time to heal and if you do anything too soon you risk complications.
It is also recommended not to drive 2 weeks after surgery.
Patients may walk and do leg exercises soon after the procedure. You can work out prior to surgery but no chest region e.g. push-ups and weights that train that area - two weeks before surgery.
Q: There is a ‘squishy’ or ‘farting’ like sound in my breasts is this normal.
A: Yes this is normal it is just air pockets around the area and they remove themselves.
Q: I am having sharp pains is this normal?
A: Yes, this is normal they are more frequent after post-op and subside not long after. It is common to have random pain up-to 12 months post-op and then every now and then. If the pain last awhile and does disappear then contact us or see your GP.
Q: Is it necessary to wait until after having children before having breast augmentation surgery?
A: No, this is personal choice to each women, it is recommended that if you haven’t had children and are considering it to have the implants placed behind the muscle so breast feeding isn’t affected. The implants won’t affect the ability to breast feed.
Q: How do I decide what size to go?
A: This is best discussed with your plastic surgeon to see if your desired result can be achieved. The size of your chest wall and the amount of existing breast tissue can affect this.
Q: Do breast implants interfere with mammography?
A: Yes. Breast implants, regardless of their location in the sub-muscular or sub-glandular location, can interfere with mammography. Generally, the breast implants placed in the sub-muscular position tend to interfere with mammography less than those placed below breast tissue. Mammography centres are well accustomed to performing mammography on patients who have had breast implants (using displacement techniques).
Q: Can I have cosmetic tattooing done in Bangkok?
A: Yes, this is done at Union Mall located a small walk/taxi ride up the road
Q: Can I get a tattoo in Bangkok before or after surgery
A: Yes, as long as it isn’t in the area of your surgery. In Bangkok we recommend a place at MBK through the Wong Family. Contact us for more information.
Q: Can I have Botox or fillers done in Bangkok?
A: Yes, we can organise this through Tanaporn Clinic. Cost varies depending on the area.
Q: Do you offer dental procedures?
A: Yes, we do offer various dental procedures please contact us if you are interested in dental work and we can organise for you and provide you a quote.
Q: Can sensation of the nipple/areola be lost after breast augmentation surgery?
A: Yes, a small percentage can lose sensation.
Q: What is capsular contracture?
A: This is scar tissue that forms around the breast implants causing the breasts to harden. This hardening may be associated with tenderness and pain. This is the most common complication with breast augmentation. Sub-muscular breast augmentation helps to deter capsular contracture. Massage may be useful, especially for implants placed above the muscle. If severe capsular contracture occurs, it may be necessary to remove the scar tissue and replace the implant (preferably in a sub-muscular position).
Q: Who should perform my breast augmentation surgery?
A: The physicians most qualified to perform breast augmentation surgeries are board certified plastic surgeons. It is important to get information regarding the surgeon’s training. Bangkok Makeovers have their own private select team of highly qualified plastic surgeons.
Q: What do the implants feel like?
A: In general, implants feel firmer than your own breast tissue. Also, the appearance and feel of augmented breasts depends on how much breast tissue the patient had pre-operatively. In general, the more tissue the patient the patient has pre-operatively, the more natural the look and feel post-operatively.
Q: How do I reduce nausea post-operatively?
A: Unfortunately, nausea is a common problem after many surgical procedures. Many medications can be used intra-operatively in an attempt to reduce this problem. Post-operatively, nausea can be reduced by minimizing the use of narcotics and taking the medication with a small amount of food in the stomach. If nausea is not relieved by these measures, anti-nausea medication may be prescribed.
Q: How do I know if I need a breast lift?
A: A breast lift (mastopexy) is an operation used to treat ‘sagging’ breasts. A consultation with a well-qualified plastic surgeon can help answer this question for you. In general, evaluating the position of the nipple/areola complex in relation to the fold under the breast (infra-mammary fold) will help determine the need for lifting. Different types of breast lifting operations are available depending on the severity of the sagging. Reviewing pictures of patients with similar situations may be helpful in deciding how to proceed.
Q: What can I expect post-operatively?
A: Unfortunately, most patients experience a moderate to significant discomfort post-operatively. This seems to be increased with sub-muscular breast augmentation compared to sub-glandular breast augmentation. Many patients are unable to sleep because they are not used to sleeping on their backs. Soreness of the back and neck may be related to this difficulty finding a comfortable position. Some patients choose to use 2 pillows and sleep in a reclined position.
Q: What is symmastia?
A: This is when the two breasts communicate in the midline (cleavage area). This may be done to “increase cleavage” by dividing the soft tissue or muscle fibers at the medial edges of the breast. This can be seen with implants placed over or under the muscle. It is a correctable problem.
Q: What is a “Tuberous Breast”?
A: Tuberous Breasts, otherwise known as constricted breasts, are associated with some breast tissue deficiency especially medially (around the cleavage area). The appearance of the breasts can vary greatly from a very severe deficiency of breast tissue to mild deficiency. Often times, the patient will have different size and shape between the right and left breast. This is a correctable condition. Often, implants can be used to improve the size, shape and symmetry of the breasts.
Q: When do the stitches come out?
A: The stitches usually come out 5-7 days after surgery.
Q: When can one shower after this procedure?
A: After the stitches are removed, the patient is allowed to shower.
Q: If I have to have the surgery redone later in life, will the incision be made in the same place as the original?
A: Usually, yes, the incision would be made in the same area.
Q: Do you use sizers during surgery to best determine size?
A: Yes, we always use sizers.
Q: Do you make over-sized pockets?
A: Pockets are slightly larger than the implants used. This will allow for some movement of the implants so as to resemble natural breasts as much as possible.
Q: If I develop a capsule and the implants have to be removed, will I be able to have them put back again?
A: Most of the time, patients wish to have implants replaced after removal of capsules (capsulotomy). We cannot guarantee that the capsule will not return a second time.
Q: What guarantees are offered with the implants?
A: Currently, the implants are warranted for life by the implant manufacturer.
NOTE: Bangkok Makeovers only uses MENTOR branded implants
Q: What is the best way for me to determine the size implant I will need to go from where I am to where I want to be?
A: Often, by looking at pictures, we can ascertain your goals of size and shape of breast desired.
Q: When can I sleep on my stomach?
A: You need to sleep upright for the first 2 weeks than ease into it. You will find this hard and probably have to readjust your sleeping to be a side/back sleeper. Depending on the size you go this should be easier within 2-3 month and should feel comfortable within 6-12 months. Note some client cannot ever sleep on their tummy again as it is too uncomfortable for them.
Q: Who prescribes the painkillers and can we collect them prior to surgery?
A: All necessary prescriptions will be prescribed by the doctor and provided after the surgery.
Q: How long will I have to wear this post-op bra?
A: Normally, the bra will need to be worn for 4-6 weeks. There are reasons why the bra is important and will give you the best possible results. Each patient is different and so the recovery will also be different.
Q: How long do I have to wear the bandeau (strap)?
A: The amount of time that the bandeau needs to be worn depends on your specific situation. On average, the bandeau will be worn for 2-4 weeks after the procedure by our cosmetic surgery patients.
Q: How long is the recovery?
A: Most patients are able to resume the majority of their normal activities 4-6 weeks after the procedure. Overall healing time takes 4-12 month and this varies person-to-person.
Q: I am having my surgery in sunny Thailand can I sunbake?
A: No, you cannot sunbake before or after your surgery.
Q: When can I go swimming?
A: You can swim 4-6 weeks after surgery if you are worried about your incisions we suggest covering them with waterproof plastics before going in the water.
Q: What can I use on my scars?
A: There are many products on the market. Bio Oil is very popular and silicone sheets are also very popular to help minimise scars. Talk to your pharmacist and they will go through some options.
Q: My implants are sitting high, is this normal?
A: Yes, your implants will sit high until they drop. They will settle and eventually find their way down. Wearing your strap and massaging will help with this. This can take up to four months – if the implants aren’t dropping please contact us as soon as possible so we can assess the situation.
Q: What are the types of implants?
A: We use Mentor Silicone and they come round moderate classic, moderate profile plus, high profile.
NOTE: Bangkok Makeovers only uses MENTOR branded implants.
Q: What sizes are available?
A: 100cc – 800cc
Q: What is bottoming out?
A: Also known as breast implant displacement, breast implants can bottom out over time. An implant pocket created by a plastic surgeon in an above muscular placement or in a partial submuscular placement can fail. When this happens the loss of tissue support at the bottom half of the breast can allow the breast implant to move downward on the chest, gradually lowering the natural bottom (crease fold) of the breast. Although in most cases, an adequately created pocket in above or partially below muscle placement can prevent this from happening in the first place, some doctors avoid this condition with full sub-muscular coverage. Full muscular coverage involves placing the breast implant not only below the pectoralis muscle but also under the abdominus rectus fascia and serratus muscles.
Q: Are you able to contact your plastic surgeon afterwards with questions about your healing progress
A: Bangkok Makeovers have all the doctors’ private phone numbers and are in contact daily.
Q: Are you able to guarantee that the surgeon I choose will be available for my surgery and not 'replaced' by another who works at the hospital?
A: Yes, you will be guaranteed the surgeon you originally booked with. If there are any factors out of our control you will be immediately contacted and you will choose how you wish to proceed.
Q: Can the plastic surgeons speak good English?
A: Yes, they speak good English.
Q: How long is their pre-operative consult?
A: Approximately, 45 minutes or longer. You will discuss you options, be measured and try on sizers. The doctor will provide their recommendation and once you agree and are content you will sign the paperwork and be taken for x-rays, bloods and prepped for surgery.
Q: How many post-op consults will I have?
A: 1 but if you require more we will happily take you.
Q: What is the preferred implant placement?
A: Under the muscle
Q: What is the preferred incision type?
A: Crease
Q: Can you explain the warranties on breast implants to me? If an implant ruptures while under warranty, what fees will I have to pay?
A: The implant/s will be replaced for free but you will have to pay any doctor and hospital fees this only covers the implant/s nothing else.
Q: If I get capsular contracture and need revision surgery does the surgeon cover this?
A: This is not the fault of the surgeon, it is your body rejecting the implant and forming scar tissue around the implant. Please contact us if you believe you are getting capsular contracture.
Q: Must I buy or bring with me to surgery any special bras? If so, where is the best place to purchase these bras and what brands or models do you recommend?
A: We will supply you with the bra which is about $15AUD
Q: Does the surgeon use dissolvable sutures?
A: Yes, the sutures are dissolvable on the inside. The sutures along the crease incision are removed 5-7 days post op.
Q: What should I do to reduce the risk of capsular contracture?
A: Massage, Massage, Massage - cannot stress how important this is for smooth implants.
Q: May I view some before and after photos? Does the surgeon have sequential sets?
A: You can visit our FB page for client donated pictures. Please contact us for the link to our group.
Q: Am I able to send you or bring in photos to show what I hope to achieve?
A: Yes, although your end results may not be exactly as shown in the picture as everyone is different and different factors can alter results. The surgeon needs to work with your body structure and photos are not usually a good reflection of this.
Q: What options are there for medical travel insurance?
A: There are two companies we are aware of that offer medical travel insurance. This is different to your normal travel insurance and covers you for having surgery in other countries and also in the event of any complications. Seven Corners and their website is https://www.sevencorners.com and the other is Global Protective Solutions and their website is https://www.globalprotectivesolutions.com/ please ensure you read the fine print when deciding if the policy is suitable for you.
Q: Will I regret my decision to get breast implants?
A: You may feel sad and depressed after your breast augmentation. This is common, and may be due to any number of factors, including medication side effects and reactions to the anaesthesia as well as post-surgical stress. Some women may think that the bruising, swelling and pain will never go away, which can increase feelings of sadness and anxiety. Give yourself time to heal and the breast implants time to settle before you even consider thinking about regrets.
Q: What should I pack?
A: Please refer to our ‘What do pack’ document in the files section in our group.
Q: When can I go on theme park rides?
A: You really should avoid this for the first 6 weeks but even then be careful of high impact rides that throw you around and push against your chest. You are risking your own recovery. It would be best to avoid these longer approximately 6 months.
Q: When can I sleep without a bra on?
A: Four months, however overtime gravity will take its course and if you want to avoid ‘sagging’ it is recommended to provide support for your new breasts. Some clients opt to sleep in an ‘ah bra’ or sports bra for support overnight.
Q: Is the shooting pains normal in the side of my breasts, sometimes it is regular and subsides or it is constant for days other times it isn’t there at all?
A: Shooting pains is very normal in your breasts after surgery; you can expect this up to 12 months post op while your body/nerves heal. It is also common to experience this intermittently over the course of having your breast implants. If the pain doesn’t subside or it extremely painful please see a GP. Sometimes it can be a hematoma.
Q: What is a hematoma?
A: It is a collection of blood inside the body. With breast augmentation the build-up of blood pooling is within the breast itself around the implant and or the incision from a broken blood vessel. Usually this symptom occurs soon after the actual surgery; however you can have a hematoma occur within several weeks post-operative.
Q: Wearing an underwire bra after breast augmentation
A: You can wear an underwire bra usually after 6 weeks however there will be many cases that you won’t be able to wear one for up to 12 weeks. Post-op photos will help us determine when you can start wearing them. It is best to contact us at bangkokmakeover@gmail.com with photos to discuss further.
If your question is not here please email bangkokmakeover@gmail.com