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Theptarin Hospital

Bangkok Makeovers recently changed hospitals and are now using Theptarin Private Hospital. 


Theptarin Hospital was founded by Prof. Thep Himathongkam, MD, FACP, FACE with the goal to create a model for holistic treatment of diabetes in Thailand.  The model emphasized the empowerment of people with diabetes to care for themselves as the most effective treatment of diabetes requires round the clock monitoring.


In 1985 “Theptarin Diabetes and Thyroid Center” opened its door on Rama 4 Road to serve as a clinic specialized in diabetes and thyroid with 8 beds for overnight stay.  There were 3 objectives including excellence in service, education for both medical personnel and people with diabetes, and research.  Thailand’s first diabetes care team was born here.  At the time, the “team” included an endocrinologist, a nurse to educate people with diabetes, and a dietitian to give knowledge regarding nutrition.


In 1992, Theptarin expanded into Theptarin Hospital with 80 beds, and open for service 24 hours.  The diabetes care team also grew.  Presently, the team has members from various branches in healthcare such as foot care specialists and exercise specialists.  Theptarin also acquired skills and equipment to provide novel services such as distal bypass surgery and hyperbaric medicine and opened Thailand’s first foot clinic to provide foot care services specializing in diabetic foot wound care and prevention.

In 2005, when results from various studies revealed that diabetes is a preventable condition, Theptarin opened “Lifestyle Building” to promote the prevention of diabetes and related chronic diseases.  Accordingly, our services moved beyond just preventing complications and disabilities from diabetes to preventing the development of diabetes itself through healthy living and behavior modification, especially in exercise and dietary habits.  Believing in “Lifestyle for Disease Prevention,” Theptarin opened MEDE Health Solution Club and Weight Management Clinic to care for patients as well as encourage the general public to adopt a healthy lifestyle, with the goal of maximizing one’s quality of life.


What makes Theptarin different from other private hospitals is our public mind, focusing on creating quality medical personnel to care for people with diabetes and to raise awareness and educate the general public.  Not only is our personnel invited as guest speakers at various events, Theptarin also serves as a training center for students and personnel from other healthcare institutes domestically as well as internationally.  The government has given us trust to train its staff country-wide in running behavior modification activities.  In 2011, the World Diabetes Foundation (Denmark) appointed Theptarin to be one of its excellence centers to provide training for medical personnel in Southeast Asia region.  Furthermore, Theptarin campaigns to raise awareness about the risks associated with developing diabetes for early detection and timely risk reduction in order to achieve prevention or to prolong the onset of the disease.


In addition to being the leader in diabetes treatment and prevention, Theptarin is also Thailand’s first thyroid center that provides complete diagnosis and treatments and acts as a transfer center for both domestic and international patients.


To deliver excellent and affordable quality healthcare through being the leader in endocrinology.


To be Thailand’s leader in treatment and prevention of diabetes.


Core Values
“ETHICS” represents core values at Theptarin

E for Excellence

T for Teamwork

H for Hospitality

I for Integrity

C for Continuous Improvement

S for Social Responsibility


Examples of how Theptarin has followed each core value.


Excellence - Thrive to be best at our core competency, diabetes care. The Theptarin team started our annual “Diabetes Camp” for the first time in 1994 to promote behavior modification among people with diabetes.  Every year for more than 10 years, we continued to change and improve the content and activities during the camp.   In 2007, Thailand’s National Health Security Organization (NHSO) selected Theptarin to train medical personnel nationwide to organize diabetes camps following our concept.  Since 2005, our team has expanded our scope of work to go beyond treatment and include prevention of diseases through behavior modification.  From our experiences in organizing diabetes camps, we created BeMo (Behavior Modification) program to encourage patients and all visitors to see the importance of behavior modification and to sustain a healthy lifestyle.


Teamwork – No single person knows everything especially in such a complicated field as medicine.  Teamwork is essential in providing holistic healthcare.  Theptarin’s expertise is in caring for people with diabetes.  Physicians, diabetes educators, dietitians, exercise experts, foot care specialists, and other medical personnel know their roles and accept other team members’ expertise, coordinate information and work together to provide best possible care to people with diabetes and those at risk.


Hospitality – Hospital’s employees treat every customer as a VIP guest and do the same towards co-workers.


Integrity – Medical personnel provide consultations, suggest various treatments, and make decisions with our patients’ best interests at heart and respecting the organization’s ethics.


Continuous improvement – Theptarin services is not at a static.  The diabetes care team continuously acquires new knowledge from international research and health care institutions, select what are beneficial and appropriate, and then introduce them to our patients.  Among services that Theptarin team had encourage Thai patients to accept are consultations with diabetes educators and dietitians, activities such as diabetes camp, diabetes club, and behavior modification.


Social Responsibility – Theptarin Hospital aims to raise the standards of diabetes care in Thailand.  We led the effort in setting up and facilitating work of various non-profit institutions such as Thai Diabetes Educator Association and Foundation for the Development of Diabetes Care.  Theptarin also collaborates with both public and private, domestic and international, organizations to train medical personnel in diabetes care.  The World Diabetes Foundation appointed Theptarin to be one of its diabetes excellence centers to provide training to personnel from neighboring countries such as Laos and Vietnam.


Green Hospital


Theptarin Hospital sees the needs to preserve the environment and has integrated green elements into our everyday work.

Policy – The management team gives serious support to environmentally friendly approach to hospital operations.

Personnel – We cultivate green conscience to our personnel at every level and encourage green activities both within and outside of the organization.

Operations – Encourage, support, and educate all departments to operate in an environmentally friendly manner.

Investment – Encourage and support investments in energy conservation.


Information taken directly from the Theptarin website:


Click to view hospital photos

Disclaimer: Bangkok Makevovers offers overseas medical travel to foreigners travelling to Bangkok, Thailand for plastic, cosmetic or dental surgery. Any medical information or advice provided to clients is provided by our medical team, hospital and dental clinic to who we are affiliated with. Regardless of how this website is outlined the information contained should not be interpreated as Bangkok Makeovers or its consultant team providing medical advice or recommendations. Please consult your doctor prior to considering plastic, cosmetic or dental surgery. 

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